JH Collective is excited to offer custom writing workshops designed to bring inspired individuals and teams together in a shared space, to express, reach deep, to imagine, play, explore, and create.

Image Courtesy of Marcel Reyes

Image Courtesy of Marcel Reyes

Drawing from esteemed writers and thinkers that have come before her, Jennifer uses tools to activate what she believes is the primal need for all people to think, build, and activate creative interests. She believes all people are storytellers and that everyone has the innate capacity to tell their stories. By designing exercises that warm up the mind and root writers in their bodies, Jennifer takes participants inward in an effort to draw stories outward. Writing in this way allows for a collective, creative experience that feeds the mind, the body, and the soul. It allows participants to round out their personal and professional journeys by flexing muscles that often go unused. And importantly, Jennifer's workshop model offers participants dedicated time to creative thinking and doing which naturally lends itself to mindfulness and meaning. 

For more information about her offerings and supplementary activities such as yoga, vision-boarding, and painting, please visit the Contact page to make a direct inquiry.

For more information Jennifer’s signature workshop “Awakening the Authentic Ask,” please click here.